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Edition 2024 cancelled!

Our track is still under construction, so unfortunatly we have to cancel our meet. Hope to see you all in 2025 on our brand new fast Mondo-t
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Buyle Livestream

Volg de FC Putbos Memorial Buyle morgen via onze livestream vanaf de middag via deze link Follow the FC Putbos Memorial Buyle tomorrow via o
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The Putbos Memorial Léon Buyle Flanders Cup is a National Permit meeting recognized by World Athletics as a category E scoring points competition

The Putbos Memorial Léon Buyle Flanders Cup is a National Permit meeting that has been upgraded this year by World Athletics to a Category E
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Uitnodiging-Invitation – Athletics Meeting – Putbos Memorial Léon Buyle Flanders Cup meeting 2022

Beste atletes en atleten, trainers en managers, Dear athletes, coaches and managers, Chères/Chers athlètes, entraineurs et managers, De star
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New timetable 2022

Beste atleten,  na 2020 waar de FC Memorial Léon Buyle Flanders Cup meeting niet heeft kunnen plaats vinden en 2021 waar wij vanuit de
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Final Timetable

The final Timetable is now available here.
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Registration almost ending!

The deadline to register is 31/05 You can find more information here.
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New timetable 2021

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Minima 2021

For more information check here
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On track for 2021 – Timetable

We are on track for 2021!The 30th edition of the Putbos memorial Buyle Flanders cup meeting will happen on the 5th of june 2021. We are of c
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Edition 2020 canceled

[NED] De nationale veiligheidsraad van België heeft beslist dat “Kleinere openluchtevenementen ten vroegste vanaf 8 juni tot de mogelijkhede
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Timetable/Uurrooster 2020

[ENG below] Beste atleten, trainers en supporters,Het uurrooster voor de FC Putbos memorial Leon Buyle 2020 staat nu online. Je kan het nieu
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Date announcement 2020

The next edition of the Putbos Memorial Léon Buyle will take place on Saturday June 6th 2020 De volgende editie van de Putbos Memorial
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Thank you! Merci! Dank u wel!

We would like to thank all the participants, supporters, coaches and volunteers! If you want to relive the meeting you can do so by checking
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Final timetable

You can find the final timetable here
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Last information!

Dear athletes,We are looking forward seeing you tomorrow. But first some last information for tomorrow. No NEW registrations at the event!Do
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Participants of main program published!

You can find the overview here
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The registrations are closed!

The registrations are closed!We are looking forward seeing all athletes and supporters 1st of June! The timetable will be updated soon. More
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Registrations until midnight!

You can register until midnight.
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Pre-registration required!

Pre-registration is required this year!Pre-registration via the website.
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Volg ons via Instagram!

Je kan ons volgen op Instagram! You can folow us on Instagram!
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Support from Sport Vlaanderen

Thank you for the support Sport Vlaanderen!
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Derek Drouin confirms participation!

Derek Drouin - Olympic High Jump champion confirms participation on the 1st of June! One week left to register!
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Don’t forget to register!

We have registered athletes from more than 31 countries!Register at
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Hazen – Pacemakers

Beste atleten, Er zullen hazen voorzien worden voor het hoofd en na programma.Kandidaten kunnen mailen naar Dear ath
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Folow us!

For all the latest and up to date event info folow us on: Facebook page - Link Facebook event - Link Instagram - Link Website - Link
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20% more registrations! Raceday T-25

25 days left and the competition starts.Don't forget to register!
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The registration for 2019 are open!

Dear athletes, The registrations for the Putbos Memorial Leon Buyle 2018 are openend. You can find the link here. Attention: No registration
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The online registrations will start april 1st 2019

[ENG] The online registrations for the 28th edition in 2019 will start April 1st 2019Attention: Registration for mainprogram, pre-program an
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Provisional timetable and new date !

Beste atleten en sympathisanten, De Memorial Léon Buyle meeting komt er weer aan! Na een succesvolle editie in 2018 organiseren we deze Flan
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Final results 2018

Dear athletes, The final results of 2018: Loopnummers Kampnummers Thank you to all athletes and we hope to see you again next year !
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Road works !

Op de N9 gaan ter hoogte van het Putbos-stadion momenteel wegenwerken door. Dit heeft gevolgen voor de bereikbaarheid van de piste. Komende
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List of athletes for the main program has been published !

You can consult the list of athletes for the main program within the overview of registered athletes
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Final Time Table

Due to the amount of pre-registred athletes we adjusted our timetable accordingly. You can find the new timetable here
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Online registrations are closed !

The online registrations are closed. For the pre and after event you can still register at the stadium up to 90 minutes before the start of
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24h left to register !

24h left to register! The online registrations close sunday 27th May 23.59h Click here to register !
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Medical support by Sportwijzer

Beste atleten, Doktors assistentie en physiotherapie worden verzorgd door Sportwijzer en Mijnsportarts. Er is ook de mogelijk voor een massa
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#sportersbelevenmeer ook op de Flanders Cup Putbos Memorial Léon buyle dankzij Sport Vlaanderen.
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Beste atleten, Er zullen hazen voorzien worden voor het hoofd en na programma. Kandidaten kunnen mailen naar Dear at
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Online registrations close May 27th at 23.59 CEST

Dear athletes and trainers, The registrations are in full swing and will close May 27th at 23.59 CEST! You can find the link to register her
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Updates rewards and rewards form

Dear Athletes, The rewards and the rewards form has been updated. You can find all information here See you the 2nd of June !
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The registrations for 2018 are open !

Dear athletes, The registrations for the Putbos Memorial Leon Buyle 2018 are openend. You can find the link here. See you the 2nd of June !
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Provisional time table 2018

De voorlopige uurrooster voor 2018 is bekend. Je kan de uurrooster hier vinden. The provisional time table for 2018 is published. You can fi
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Date announcement 2018

The next edition of the Putbos Memorial Léon Buyle will take place on Saturday June 2nd 2018 De volgende editie van de Putbos Memorial Léon
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Results 2017

You can find the results of 2017 and previous years on the page results Je kan de resultaten van 2017 en voorgaande jaren vinden op de pagin
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Final Timetable

Je kan het definitieve schema hier vinden. You can find the final timetable here
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Registrations online have been closed!

De registraties online zijn gesloten. Op zaterdag 3 juni is inschrijven ter plaatse voor het voor- en naprogramma opnieuw mogelijk tot 2 uur
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Op zaterdag 3 juni 2017 organiseren het PUTBOS LOKAAL ORGANISATIE COMITE en atletiekclub VLIERZELE SPORTIEF de 26ste editie van de Flanders
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Timetable 3th June 2017

The timetable can be found here
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The new Memorial Léon Buyle website is coming

Currently we are developping the website for the Memorial Léon Buyle meeting. You can already find the schedule here:  2017 - PUTBOS2017-uur
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Vlierzele Sportief

Atletiekclub Vlierzele Sportief werd opgericht op 25 februari 1943. Als logo werd gekozen voor een stormvogel op een blauw schild. VS groeide sinds zijn ontstaan uit tot een toonaangevende atletiekclub met bovengemeentelijke werking.
Zowel qua opleiding als qua organisaties is VS absolute top in België.
Voor meer informatie over de huidige werking van VS kan u op de Learn More knop doorklikken naar de VS website.

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